Get more motivated leads on autopilot!

We will get motivated leads calling you or you don’t pay!

Exclusive Phone Leads for Businesses of All Types

Your business life is much easier when the leads are calling you!

For businesses who are looking for high quality inbound phone leads without the stress and expense of hiring an internal sales team.

What you get
  • Team of Experts – Our team are experts at getting great results for our clients.

  • Exclusive Phone Leads – Potential customers calling YOU directly

  • Simple Fee Structure – We only charge for completed calls and we don’t charge any referral or commission fees on your sales!

  • No Long Term Contracts – If you don’t love our results, you can cancel our services anytime.

  • Protected Areas – Become a client and we won’t work with any of your local competition.

What’s Included
  • Strategy Development – Every client will get a customized strategy that suits their business type, location, and desired customer type.

  • Campaign Setup – We will set up optimized campaigns to generate calls for your business.

  • Audience Targeting – We will target your ideal customer type.

  • Performance Reporting – We offer regular updates on the performance of your campaign.

  • Ongoing Campaign Optimization – We will continually optimize your campaign to improve the lead quality.

  • Protected Territories – Once we take you on as a client, we won’t work with your local competition.

  • Exclusive Phone Leads – We will generate inbound phone call leads that are for you alone.

  • Call Tracking – We offer highly detailed call tracking and recording.

  • Call Scheduling – Only want to get calls during certain hours of the day? No problem!

What does it cost?

There is a one-time campaign set-up fee of $295 and then it’s only the cost per call.

Key Features.

Ready to get started?

Put lead generation on autopilot with Enxea Marketing Group!